Are You A Cuddler?


Cuddling: an activity for all seasons.

Cuddling has many health benefits. It releases dopamine, seratonin, and oxytocin. These hormones decrease depression, increase happiness, promote relaxation, relieve stress & anxiety, and improve our moods. Our immune systems get a boost, blood pressure drops, and pain lessens.

Cuddling also intensifies sexual satisfaction and intimacy. It helps convey emotions nonverbally and strengthens relationships of all kinds. It curbs junk food cravings, helps us sleep better, and lowers inflammation. If you aren’t into cuddling or being cuddled by others, you can still derive some benefit from cuddling with a big pillow, or better yet, a pet. Cuddling shares some of the same benefits as hugging; you can start with hugs and work up to cuddling.

Are you a cuddler?

(Note: This is an edited version of an original post on my Instagram page, @supportive_ly)



Supportively Liz Young

I'm a holistic transformation & manifestation life coach. I help introverts master their imaginations & reach goals. I'm vegan, INFJ, and much, much more.