Are You Doing Better?

Supportively Liz Young
2 min readFeb 21, 2023


Two steps forward, plus one step back, still equals progress.

This weekend, I felt powerless, worrisome, fearful, self-critical, and guilty. I had made an accidental goof, and the domino effect of my thoughts about it led into a shadowy emotional alleyway.

By itself, this isn’t unusual; in fact, it’s a common phenomenon for many of us. However, as Maya Angelou brilliantly advised, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” I know better, and still didn’t do better. I succumbed to an old set of subconcious beliefs that no longer serve me and do not ring true:

  • “I HAVE to find the solution, and immediately.”
  • “If I fix these problems, I can be calm and happy again.”
  • “I need to get control…”

I’ll break down why each of these erroneous beliefs is ineffectual. As a manifestation and transformation coach, I know firsthand from my experiences that the best way to approach any challenge (which is a great way to verbally reframe a “problem”) is to just open to the always available solutions. I also know that a state of calm and happiness are not contingent on conditions —if they were, we would all be in trouble sometimes. And finally, power trumps control every. Single. Time. The need to control denotes a lack of power, and power recognizes that control is futile.

I feel really good today. My mindset is reset, and I’m in receptive mode for all of the great things making their way to me.

Have you progressed, then regressed? Have you “progressed again”? What was the takeaway from that experience?



Supportively Liz Young

I'm a holistic transformation & manifestation life coach. I help introverts master their imaginations & reach goals. I'm vegan, INFJ, and much, much more.