Do You Welcome Abundance, Or Block It?

Supportively Liz Young
2 min readFeb 5, 2023


How clear is your channel for receiving all you desire?

Abundance is our birthright; we are meant to live dynamic lives in all areas---Abraham and Esther Hicks speak often of the human experience being a deliberate choice of sorting through contrast, developing our desires, and forever expanding. They also remind us that beliefs are no more than thoughts we think repeatedly. Change your thoughts to shift your beliefs.

Everything you’ve ever wanted exists---from the toys you longed for as a child to the toned calves you might wish for as an adult. Some things seem easier to let in than others; the "little things" project an illusion of being more doable than the "big things." All that really differs, though, in terms of ability to have, is your level of belief. If you can chip away at the dam of limiting beliefs, abundance can begin to easily flow to you.

Many people have strong feelings toward money---they might be disgusted or frustrated by it, yet still want more of it. Money is energy; it's simply one more form of it. We assign value to money, both monetary and moral (wouldn't it be funny to overhear someone say, "Pickle chips are the root of all evil"?). It can accomplish a lot. If you appreciate the money you have, and the things you can accomplish with it---everything from enabling your cell phone's service to paying for a heart transplant---you will see more of it come your way. If you complain about its lack, it will be scarcer.

How will you start to let in more abundance? Will you permit health, wealth, love, happiness, and fun to make their way to you?

(Note: This is an edited version of an original post on my Instagram page, @supportive_ly)



Supportively Liz Young

I'm a holistic transformation & manifestation life coach. I help introverts master their imaginations & reach goals. I'm vegan, INFJ, and much, much more.