With Whom Are You Spending The Most Time?

Supportively Liz Young
2 min readMar 25, 2023


If it's true that one becomes a composite of the five people one spends the most time with, do you like who you're becoming?

Think of the people with whom you spend the most time. Imagine the qualities you appreciate most about them. Now think very clearly of the things about them that are least appealing (worry not; we shan’t dwell here long---we are, after all, master manifestors). We become like the five people with whom we spend the majority of our time, so choose carefully and be selective.

When forming new relationships with others (and assessing current relationships), ask, "Do I feel like the best and most authentic version of myself around this person, or the worst? Perhaps in-between? Do I spend more time complaining/living in the past, worried/living in the future, or more time in a state of appreciation/living in the present and getting excited about great things to come? Or do we just coexist in some grey place, not really interacting meaningfully? Is the effort equal? Is there consistency? Communication? Clarity?

"Are the people I surround myself with the success-embracing versions of themselves who are attaining their goals and creating their desired realities, or self-sabotaging versions of themselves who reinforce their limitations and ennumerate reasons why they 'can't' (won't)? Do we mutually support and encourage each other with both words AND actions, or is there ridicule, indifference, silence?

"Do these people spend their time improving themselves through growth-promoting personal development tools, or does what they consume keep them stagnant, discontent, and stuck in negative patterns?

"Do we have true intimacy at appropriate levels, based on an exchange of thoughts and emotions with honesty and trust? Or is it based in oversharing, giving too much too soon and too unevenly? Perhaps in the false bonding of liking or disliking the same people, usually on superficial levels? Do they speak well of others (or not at all) and use language of praise or compassion, or are their words unkind, critical, judgmental, abusive?"

Manifest better relationships by being the energy you wish to attract. Remember: A healthy spirit attracts other healthy spirits.

(Note: This is an edited version of an original post on my Instagram page, @supportive_ly)



Supportively Liz Young

I'm a holistic transformation & manifestation life coach. I help introverts master their imaginations & reach goals. I'm vegan, INFJ, and much, much more.